Baked Chocolate Tart

Baked Chocolate Tart ©Kevin Ashton2024
Baked Chocolate Tart ©Kevin Ashton2024

I promised my students that I would create something made of chocolate since the lesson today happened to fall on Valentine’s Day 14th February.

I wanted to create an intense chocolate flavour but not make the finished dessert too heavy, as many chocolate tart recipes can be if they are made from a chocolate ganache. My baked chocolate tart is easy to make and has wonderful balance of flavours. The pastry is light and buttery and not too thick.

Chocolate Tart Slice ©Kevin Ashton 2024
Chocolate Tart Slice ©Kevin Ashton 2024

Baked Chocolate Tart©Kevin Ashton2024

Equipment:  9 ½ inch tart case with removable bottom


115 grams unsalted butter

1 egg yolk (save the egg white)

160 grams plain flour

45 g vanilla sugar or caster sugar

2 Tbsp ice water

Chocolate Filling

200 grams 74% Fin carre Extra dark chocolate (Lidl UK )

50 grams Grenada milk chocolate 46% Cocoa solids (from Lidl UK )

300ml Double cream minus 3 tablespoons

3 tablespoons vanilla sugar*Or use caster sugar + 1tsp vanilla extract

Pinch table salt

2 large eggs + 1 egg white

Chocolate Glaze

3 tablespoons Double cream

1 Tbsp semi skimmed milk

1 tablespoon golden syrup or liquid glucose

65 grams 74% Fin carre Extra dark chocolate (Lidl)

1 tablespoon hot water


4 Ripe even sized strawberries

100 grams fin carre white chocolate

I have now published this recipe on my YouTube channel


  1. In a stand mixer fitted with a paddle attachment, cream the butter and sugar on a medium speed until pale and creamy, about 3-4 minutes. Scrape down the sides and bottom of the bowl with a spatula.
  2. Add all of the flour and mix on lowest speed for about 1-2 minutes until the flour is incorporated and a crumb consistency.
  3. Add the egg yolk and ice water and mix on low speed just until the pastry comes together. Form into a ball and wrap in plastic wrap, and let it rest in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Lightly butter a 9.5-inch tart pan with a removable bottom.
  4. Preheat the oven to 180 C/350 °F and set an oven rack in the middle position.*Roll out the pastry between sheets of cling film (plastic wrap) that you lightly dusted with flour. This method helps to stop the delicate pastry from falling apart and makes it easy manoeuvre the pastry to achieve even thickness. Once the pastry is rolled out enough for the size of the tart tin, remove the top layer of cling film, dust your rolling pin lightly with flour and carefully roll the pastry up onto the rolling pin and transfer to the tart pan.
  5. Press the pastry into the tart tin and trim off excess. Use a fork and prick the pastry, line the pastry with a baking paper and use baking beans to weigh it down.
  6. Blind bake the pastry for 16 minutes, then remove the baking paper and beans and bake for a further 4 minutes until very lightly golden. Let it cool on the baking sheet on a wire rack while you prepare the filling.

Chocolate Filling

  1. Break both chocolates into very small pieces and place into a medium sized bowl.
  2. Take the 300 ml Double (heavy) cream minus the 3 Tbsp and heat to a simmer in a non stick pan. Pour the hot cream onto the chocolate and allow to melt.
  3. Beat the 2 eggs plus the saved egg white (from the pastry) together with 3 Tbsp vanilla sugar* for 2 minutes, then add the pinch of salt.
  4. Stir the chocolate and cream mixture until the cream has completely mixed in, the slowly add the egg mix. Mix the chocolate filling until it is smooth then pour into the baked pastry case.
  5. Gently shake the tart to smooth out the mixture the use a tooth pick to remove any air bubbles.
  6. Bake for 25 -30 minutes on the middle shelf, until the filling is mostly set.
  7. Let the tart cool completely in the tart tin on a wire rack (about 40  minutes).

Chocolate Glaze

  1. In a medium bowl break the 65 grams of dark chocolate into very small pieces.
  2. Mix the cream, milk and golden syrup into a microwave safe container cover and heat to a simmer for 30-40 seconds, until about to boil,
  3. Pour the cream mixture onto the chocolate and stir quickly until fully melted.
  4. Now stir in the hot water and mix well. Pour the glaze onto the centre of the chocolate tart and smooth towards the edges making it an even thickness.
  5. Let stand until the glaze is set for about 1 hour, the mark with a warm knife into 8 portions.


  1. Lightly rinse the strawberries in cold water and drain on paper towel.
  2. Melt the white chocolate gently on a low heat until just melted.
  3. Cut the strawberries in half and dip each strawberry half way into the melted chocolate and reserve.

To Serve

Place the dipped strawberries onto the tart and then carefully cut using a warm clean knife.

Close up of chocolate tart ©Kevin Ashton 2024

Chefs Notes:

Vanilla Sugar: Whenever I use a vanilla pod I keep the empty pod, dice it up a stir it into a jar of caster sugar (super fine sugar). Over time the sugar get a wonderful vanilla flavour to enhance your recipes, I just sieve the pods out and put them back into the jar.

Golden Syrup: Is a British form of inverted sugar in America you could use corn syrup as a substitute.

Photographs: Were quickly taken at the end of the lesson, given that fact they are not too bad. Happy Valentine’s Day!

The chocolate i used

Baked Chocolate Tart ©Kevin Ashton2024

65 thoughts on “Baked Chocolate Tart

    1. Hi Elvira and Happy Valentine’s Day to you in Spain. I created this recipe and tried in last Sunday (taking to my sister’s for dinner). Then again on Valentine’s Day for my class. I altered the recipe slightly on my second attempt and was happy with the results. I will keep practicing the tart as we have a saying…”Practice makes Perfect”
      Warm Wishes
      Kevin & Sophie x

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Hi Kevin
        Thank you for your kindness and comment. It’s very interesting to know the story about your recipe.
        Keep enjoying and making happy to Sophie. All the best for both.
        Elvira x

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh course Sailorfusion. Here is a Gluten free version of the pastry. The method would be the same.
      Gluten Free Pastry
      160 grams Gluten free flour
      115 unsalted butter
      1 Tbsp ice water
      1 large egg
      1 Tbsp caster sugar
      1 tsp xanthum gum

      Thanks for the question!


    1. Thanks Dorothy, the photographs were just quick snapshots at the end of the cooking lesson. Next time I make the tart I hope for even better, photos, which of course means I’ll be forced to eat another tart…

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Yep…some things are worth waiting but you show more fortitude than me Noelle 🙂

      I looked up the date for end of Lent March 28th and my willpower crumbled!
      Best Wishes


  1. I’m so excited to try your recipe Kevin.

    I’m a chocolate snob and have a chocolate drawer with many varieties to choose from. Which chocolate is your favorite?

    Sometimes I buy chocolate disks by the case. I never want to run out. I went to Central Milling in Petaluma California and got Guittard. I use them for everything since they are a high percentage dark chocolate. I have found a dark chocolate at Trader Joes’ store in California It’s great for making candy like truffles, chocolate almond clusters, pecan turtles and English Toffee.

    Thanks for the recipe. I’m hosting my book club soon. They will love this dessert.

    And vanilla sugar isn’t common here in America. I did buy some at a specialty store, and will gladly use it for your chocolate tart.

    My best to you and your wife.


    Liked by 2 people

    1. Hi Teri, I’m really happy you want to give my recipe a try. The chocolate I used for the tart is illustrated at the bottom of the post. I bought it from Lidl UK but I know the US stock choices are different.
      So my best suggestion is to choose your favourite dark chocolate 70%-75% cocoa solids. The milk chocolate I used in my recipe rounds out the flavour notes and has 46% cocoa solids. I know US Lidl sell a very similar chocolate though they call it dark chocolate.

      Of course I’m still a big Zotter chocolate fan but Lidl UK chocolate is fair trade and doesn’t have any palm oil or artificial ingredients.
      Best Wishes
      Kevin 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I’ve never seen Lidl chocolate before.

        and I didn’t know palm oil was in chocolate bars.
        I will look at my chocolate stash (I have a whole drawer full of different varieties of chocolate. My fav is Guittard.

        Thanks for the recipe.


        Liked by 1 person

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