My Other Blogs YouTube and Social Media

Many people just visit my Chef Kevin Ashton main blog and don’t realise I in fact 3 other food blogs.

Here are links to my other blogs

Cheap and Easy Student Recipes recipes and cooking advice for beginners

Product Reviews  All of my product reviews in one place

Posts From My Old Blog Started in 2006 in received over 21 million page views!!!

Since late 2020 I also have my own YouTube channel where you can find a growing number of my recipes.

Social Media
I would like to ask any of my readers if you are on social media (facebook, Instagram, twitter, Tumblr, VK or others) to lets support each other. Anyone who follows me I will follow in return and like your posts etc as often as I see them. I have linked my accounts to the buttons below, so if you click each one it will take you there so you can follow. Please let me know you are following me so I can do the same for you.

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